AIS – Working Together for the Team (Mutual Agreement and Review)

A core element of the ‘Adults in Scouting Approach‘ is that we put in place a ‘Mutual Agreement’ with each adult volunteer and that we ‘Review’ this with them regularly, at least once every year. This cycle is referred to as ‘Mutual Agreement and Review’.

Adult volunteers in Scouting usually work in a team, and so most Mutual Agreements will be in a team context.

The Mutual Agreement will cover:

  • The relevant job summary
  • What goals the team will set itself in the period covered by the agreement
  • What each individual agrees to contribute towards achieving the goals
  • The way in which the team will work together
  • What training and support each individual will need, as well as who will ensure they get it
  • A date for the Review, usually one year after the date of the Mutual Agreement

Each Review may lead to:

  • Renewal of commitment by the adult volunteer for a further period. In this case a fresh Mutual Agreement is set out for the current role
  • Reassignment to another role in Scouting Ireland. In this case a Mutual agreement for the new role is set out
  • Retirement, where the adult volunteer stops playing an active role in Scouting Ireland. Where this is the agreed option, the person conducting the Review should update the official records appropriately. They should also make appropriate arrangements to mark the completion of their period of service, some form of ‘Thank You’ or more formal recognition are usually in order

Each Group Leader should have a current Mutual Agreement with your County Commissioner and they should be invited to a Review with them at least once a year to consider how the job is going and what they are agreeing to for the future. They should also put in place a Mutual Agreement and Review cycle for every adult volunteer in the Scout Group. They may ask Section Team Leads to perform the Mutual Agreement and Review with the members of their team but they must oversee that process and ensure that it is being done appropriately and in accordance with relevant Scouting Ireland policy and guidelines.

The process will enable the team to be clear on:

  • Expectations, goals and commitments
  • Specific support and training requirements and commitments

You may find the Working Together for the Team – Mutual Agreement and Review publication useful to help explain the process